On to Baking!
Amy Brace
The first six weeks of class are over, and I think I've cut enough potatoes into cubes and sticks for quite some time! It was great practice, and learning proper knife skills is definitely necessary, but I'm a little over potatoes and onions.
Our first two classes were Intro to Culinary, and Food Safety. Waking up early to always be on time and a little dedication to potatoes and food safety, and I was able to pass both classes with 98%. My next class started today and it's Intro to Baking.
What did we do on the first day? We learned to make chocolate chip cookies, and the secret ingredient is apparently a little dark rum haha. We didn't quite get to baking them today, but I'm excited to scoop those delicious morsels tomorrow. Also, on the schedule for tomorrow is peanut butter cookies! I feel like I should start a cleanse or something. All these delicious treats are going to be difficult to resist! Gotta try it right?
Luckily last term we had a class that finished at 9:30am, this term we are not so lucky. With a new recipe every day we will be going 7-11am straight. I know it may not seem too crazy, but woah the notifications on all the things I had when I got out of class was intense!
I will for sure do my best to keep up with phone calls, emails, messages and social media. Since we aren't able to have our phones in class, everything will start for me after 11, so please be patient.
I am so thankful for all the love and support I have gotten through this journey so far, I can't wait to keep sharing with you all the things I am learning. Next class is breads....ooooooh yeah.
So here are a couple pictures of the excitement I have had so far. Love you all and thank you a million for loving my business!
Knife cuts final exam with potatoes, onions and tomatoes
Making ourselves some lunch of turkey breast, mashed taters and broccoli
Our first pot of potato water.... And yes we thought it tasted good
Intro to baking first day chocolate chip cookies!
Onward and upward from here!